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2 critical phrases to remember if you want to quit alcohol
When I finally made the decision to quit alcohol a year ago, I knew I’d need a proper strategy to get the job done.
One of the most important factors for me was limiting access to alcohol.
That meant never, ever having booze in the house.
Not party leftovers, not “alcohol for guests”, nothing.
For whatever reason, if there’s something bad in the house, I must consume it.
This doesn’t apply just to alcohol.
For example, up here in Canada, we have these freezer cakes called Deep’n Delicious (my Canuck pals will know what I’m talking about here).
Now I don’t have a natural sweet tooth — in fact, I typically have no desire to consume sugar at all — but if there’s a Deep’n Delicious in the house, I simply cannot resist.
I’ll eat it out of the tray like an absolute cake degenerate, one laser-thin slice at a time until the whole thing is gone.
But when it came to alcohol, I think an even more important factor than limiting access was limiting opportunities.
The latter is the basis of two oft-repeated phrases by the motivational guru Grant Cardone that you should commit to memory if you want to quit alcohol.