Top 5 retirement regrets of people 70 and older (you should avoid)

James Julian
5 min readOct 1, 2024

Man, let me tell you: I cannot wait to retire.

Preferably sooner than later and on my own terms.

In some ways, I don’t think I’ll ever retire-retire … being a wired ADHD-type will probably prevent the stereotypical afternoons spent sitting on the couch watching golf.

I worry too that being at loose ends would land me right back in alcohol’s suffocating embrace.*

No, my dream retirement would look something like this:

  • Get up and do a couple hours of creative work
  • Have a coffee (since I’ll probably need it as motivation by then) and work out
  • Have a nap
  • Go for a walk and listen to my audiobooks and podcasts
  • Plan one of my many luxury vacations

But one thing I’m coming to learn is that retirement, if done wrong, isn’t all sunshine and roses.

In fact, it can leave people filled with regret over what they did and didn’t do with their golden years.

Last week, I came across new research detailing the top 5 regrets of retirees in their 70s and 80s, and it was a fascinating read.

It was also a warning of what to avoid once you give the office life the old heave-ho.

Let me tell you about those regrets now so you don’t make them too.

