Why I’m getting super healthy with 1 crazy new diet (just made it up)

James Julian
6 min readApr 24, 2023

If you’ve ever been to a travel competitive sports/dance/whatever tournament with your kids, you know about dietary hedonism.

Fast food and sit-down restaurants for every meal, pizza and potato chips in the room, just constant alcohol consumption (not for me!).

The veteran families with 2+ kids in these offensively expensive sports cart a cooler full of sandwiches around out of financial necessity.

For the lazy or those with means, gluttony rules.

Yes, a great way to feel terrible about your health choices is to travel for kids’ activities.

Oh, and in terms of fitness, the weekend mostly involves sitting or standing around a ton waiting for games to start, waiting for tables, etc.

This was the point I was at last weekend at a hockey tournament, questioning my life choices as I downed half a pizza and wings while catching Seinfeld reruns on the hotel TV.

Pizza and wings.
Not the best dietary option. (Image licensed under the Unsplash+ License)

Diet, diet, diet

After watching Elaine date The Maestro and Kramer get his big cafe latte settlement, I shut everything down.

As my son dozed off in preparation for two big games the following day, my mind started wandering.

